Качество и надёжность по лучшей цене

Компания ГРУЗОВОЗ является одним из ведущих поставщиков комплексных решений в транспортировке грузов в труднодоступные районы Ханты-Мансийского автономного округа — Югры. Мы объединяем воздушные и наземные перевозки с комплексными логистическими услугами. Диапазон решений задач может варьироваться от простой перевозки грузов и/или хранения до сложных с привлечением вертолетов, снегоходов, лодок, катеров и т.д.

Для нас нет нерешаемых задач. «Выход есть всегда» — девиз нашей компании. И мы его находим за счет большого опыта и профессиональных навыков нашего сплачённого коллектива. Зимник (ледовая переправа), навигация (баржи), межсезонье (отсутствие дорог) — такая непонятная терминология для многих, для нас всего лишь будничные дни.

Setting the standard in air freight. Our global network has the power to help businesses grow — based on years of experience and influenced by the changing needs of our customers. Our Road specialists will ensure operational excellence as well as cost-effective solutions.


TransCargo is the world’s fourth largest provider of ocean freight services. In 2013, TransCargo expedited nearly 1.5 million TEUs via ocean freight. The company’s relationship with customers is moving away from purely transactional business to value-added propositions.

TransCargo's worldwide network is well positioned and qualified to help your company develop efficient and tailor-made domestic and trans-border programs for distributing your goods. Our Road specialists will ensure operational excellence as well as cost-effective solutions that meet your needs in terms of transit time.

Our asset-light operating model allows us the ability to choose the correct qualified subcontractors based on diverse customer requirements with an emphasis on compliance, safety, security, professionalism and environmental leadership.

TransCargo's worldwide network is well positioned and qualified to help your company develop efficient and tailor-made domestic and trans-border programs for distributing your goods. Our Road specialists will ensure operational excellence as well as cost-effective solutions that meet your needs in terms of transit time.

Our asset-light operating model allows us the ability to choose the correct qualified subcontractors based on diverse customer requirements with an emphasis on compliance, safety, security, professionalism and environmental leadership.

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